Articles by Oleksii Nikiforov

10 Lessons I Learned from Using Aspire in Production

I have been using .NET Aspire for a while now and have learned a lot along the way. In this blog post, I will share some of the lessons I have learned from using .NET Aspire in production.

Explore .NET application dependencies by using Dependify tool

This post demonstrates how to install and use the Dependify tool. It can be used to explore application dependencies between modules.

Managing Startup Dependencies in .NET Aspire

This article demonstrates how to utilize .NET Aspire as an orchestrator. You will discover how effortless it is to define a dependency graph between components during startup.

Learn .NET Aspire by example: Polyglot persistence with PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, + Elasticsearch

Learn how to set up various databases (Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch) using Aspire by building a simple social media application.

Using Keycloak in .NET Aspire projects

This article will show you how to get started with Keycloak and Aspire. It is based on Keycloak.AuthServices.Templates template. Templates make it really easy to get started.

Claim-Check Pattern with AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET and Aspire

The claim-check pattern can be use to help manage a high-volume of messages, including messages with large payloads. This post demonstrates how to implement this pattern with AWS.Messaging and .NET Aspire. These tools simplify the complexities associated with development of distributed systems.