.NET Aspire Tutorials

.NET Aspire: How to use RabbitMQ component step by step?

Are you using RabbitMQ for sending messages or events in your application? .NET Aspire supports RabbitMQ to be integrated as a component, in this video I show how to use it step by step and in detail.

How To Deploy .NET Aspire Apps To Azure | .NET 8

Learn how to deploy cloud native .NET 8 apps based on .NET Aspire to the Azure cloud using the Azure Developer CLI (azd).

How to Deploy .NET 8's New .NET Aspire Stack

Nick will show you how you can deploy .NET Aspire applications to the cloud. .NET Aspire launched with the release of .NET 8 and C# 12 and it is one of the most exciting features of the release. In this video, we will use Azure, but in future videos, we will see other cloud platforms.