.NET Aspire Tutorials

Create .Net Aspire Project with Redis Cache, Web API, Razor App and Analysis extensions

In this video, you will learn to create .NET Aspire project with .NET Core Microservices architecture. Here I have used the command line or dotnet commands to create the .NET Aspire project with which it's easy to use VS Code or any other IDE for development. Here I have used couple of dotnet command to create, build and run .net application in vs code.

End-to-End Guide: Building a Real-Time e-Coffee Shop Using Aspire.NET,

Today we are going to see what .NET Aspire is and of course how to use it to our advantage with the e-CoffeeShop project. As always the code will be available on GitHub.

Make containers aware of custom local domains on the host machine using .NET Aspire

Custom domains are useful for local development, but containers can't resolve them by default. Discover how to make containers recognize the host machine's custom hosts with .NET Aspire.

.NET Aspire - Adding Configuration

In my previous video, I showed you how to get started with .NET Aspire, including spinning up an instance of SQL Server in Docker. But what if you want to work with an existing database. It's easy.

Send metric and trace data to .NET Aspire dashboard from Windows Forms app

First, we start a docker container of the #dotnet aspire image and map ports. Next, windows forms app is created. A new meter and trace source is added. #opentelemetry is added to the app and exporter setup. Requiered environment variables are created. Finally, the dashboard and the app are displayed together showing metric/trace data appearing in the dashboard.

Build an AI Chat in .NET Aspire with Ollama: Quickstart Guide!

Explore how to build a .NET Aspire sample app featuring a Blazor Front End with an AI-powered chat! In this video, we'll walk through deploying the Phi-3.5 language model using Ollama and hosting it locally in your app, all thanks to the powerful .NET Aspire Community Toolkit. From setup to coding, watch this guide to easily bring interactive AI features into your .NET projects.

.NET Aspire—Extensibility & Profanity Filters, Oh My!

Beyond the basics of .NET Aspire, learn how its extensibility points enable compelling scenarios. From modeling custom resources in the app host, to dynamically creating HTTP clients based on OpenAPI, to writing custom .NET Aspire components. This talk covers a lot of ground, very quickly. It's a deep dive into what is possible with the wealth of the .NET ecosystem at the helm and you it's mindful captain steering the ship.

.NET 8 Open Telemetry and .NET with Aspire Dashboard

In this video we will discussing Open Telemetry integration

How to add Angular project to .NET Aspire

This .NET Aspire #tutorial shows how to integrate Angular project with #dotnet Aspire. First, we add new #angular project using Visual Studio template. New TypeScript model and service are created. The service calls an endpoint in the WebAPI project to obtain the data. Next, nuget package for Node integration is installed in the AppHost project and Angular project is integrated with .NET Aspire in Program.cs file. Finally, the Angular website and the WebAPI are tested via the dashboard.

Introduction to .NET Aspire

.NET Aspire is an ingenious way to develop large-scale web applications and easily coordinate communication and configuration between all the various pieces.